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CSL Why sit it out
Virtual workouts for younger children

Virtual workouts for younger children

Need to help younger children burn off some energy at home? Virtual workouts for children can be a great way to get them exercising while having fun.* So get your little ones moving with the help of their favourite superheroes, animals or cartoon characters.

*Always speak with your child’s haemophilia care team before taking on a new activity — even one you are trying at home.

But how do I get involved?

You can find an online workout your child will love, whether they’re a superhero superfan, a fairytale fanatic or an animal aficionado. If none of those suit, Go with Yoyo offers something for everyone, from around the world workouts to unicorn yoga. You can also workout together with these family fitness videos.

If you decide to participate in a virtual workout, these tips can help you to exercise safely and enjoy the class:

  • Have a bottle of water nearby to keep hydrated
  • Keep your space clear of pets and/or other young children who may run into the area
  • To minimise the risk of trips or falls, remove any rugs or mats before starting
  • Pick a space with enough room to do all the exercises during the virtual class
  • Get permission from your parent/carer before signing up for a class when payment is required
Virtual workouts for younger children Virtual workouts for younger children
Virtual workouts for younger children
Virtual workouts for younger children